Saturday, March 28, 2009

Covering the Uninsured

While researching options to cover uninsured Floridians I can upon the following article. I thought that it may provide some insight on what the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association proposes on this important issue. Please let me know what you think.

Blue Cross And Blue Shield Association Statement: Covering The Uninsured Is A Top Healthcare Priority

Statement from Scott P. Serota, President and CEO Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

March 27, 2009

In recognition of Cover the Uninsured Week, March 22-March 28, Scott P. Serota, president and chief executive officer of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA), issued the following statement:

"The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association strongly believes everyone should have health insurance and we must do more to expand coverage to the 45 million Americans without healthcare coverage. Now is the time to act. We understand what is at stake for our country and want to help craft solutions that work for all sectors of our economy, including the private sector.

"BCBSA's 'Pathway to Covering America' proposal is a comprehensive plan to expand access to all by building on the employer-based system while also addressing initiatives to improve quality and lower costs – the two go hand-in-hand as part of any solution. Using comparative effectiveness research to know which treatments work best, changing incentives in the delivery system to reward quality, focusing on prevention and wellness, and public-private coverage solutions are also critical components of our 'Pathway' plan to change healthcare delivery.

"An individual mandate requiring every American to have insurance coverage and requiring insurers to accept everyone regardless of their health status is a critical component of meaningful reform. Coupling these requirements would enable insurers to offer coverage to everyone regardless of their health status – without the unintended consequences of premium increases. With everyone covered through an effective individual mandate, and subsidies for those who need help affording coverage, insurance can function as intended and spread the risk over a broad and representative population and, thereby, avoid the risk of only those who need insurance purchasing coverage.

"Our 'Pathway' proposal mirrors many of the president's priorities and we look forward to working with the administration, Congress and key stakeholders to advance health reform. We're optimistic that together we can address some of the challenges that for far too long have made coverage unaffordable for far too many."

To learn more about BCBSA's comprehensive 5-point reform plan – "The Pathway to Covering America" visit More information about Cover the Uninsured Week may be found at

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is a national federation of 39 independent, community-based and locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies that collectively provide healthcare coverage for nearly 102 million individuals - one-in-three Americans. For more information on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and its member companies, please visit

If you need information about the plans that BCBSFL offers you may call us at 800-946-3303 or visit us on the web.

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