Medicare Open Enrollment
It is getting close to the time that Seniors get the chance to make changes to many of the health insurance plans that they may own. The period this year is from October 15th through December 7th. This is usually the only time that you can move onto or off of a Medicare Advantage Health plan or Rx coverage. Certain exceptions do apply.
We specialize in offering Blue Cross Medicare products and are able to answer questions and provide a depth of knowledge that others just can't provide. We can give you all of the details of our $0 Premium Medicare Advantage PPO or our Medicare Supplement and Rx plans.
If you would like more information as open enrollment approaches or if you are turning 65 soon, I would suggest that you give us a call at 800-946-3303. We have local agents around the state and they will visit you or you can come into one of our offices to meet.
Just let us know how we can help.
Please continue to write more because it’s unusual that someone has something interesting to say about this. Will be waiting for more…