Saturday, May 18, 2013

Instant Life Insurance Quote

Why Don't You Have Enough Life Insurance?

Many people with families have small life insurance policies or don't have any life insurance coverage at all. Is it the cost? I really don't think so, a middle age male in decent health can buy a $500,000 term policy for the cost of a low priced dinner out with his family.

Is it because the adults in the family don't love the spouse or the children? I hope that the answer is a no. 

Is it because they have the disease that affects so many Americans? What disease is that you are probably wondering? It is procrastination. It is the I'll do it tomorrow or the I had a tough day sickness. 

I know that you all do love your families and I know most of you can easily afford to go out to dinner once a month. Just like me, you probably eat out at least a few times a month. 

I see people when it is too late very often. When the spouse is selling the house and canceling the health insurance because there is no money. The husband or wife died and they had no coverage or a tiny amount of coverage. Take a look at this video I found on YouTube. If it hits a chord you should give us a call at 800-946-3303 and let one of our trained agents help you figure out how much protection you need and how you can easily afford it. Berlin & Denys Insurance and Financial Services has been serving Florida residents for 30 years. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Health Reform Explained Video: "Health Reform Hits Main Street"

I found this video on YouTube, it explains what is going on with Health Care Reform and is kinda funny too. It keeps you from falling all the way asleep. We can help you navigate the whole Health Care Reform law. We know as much as is possible at this point. New rules and regulations are being released daily. You will need an agent to help you figure it all out. With something this complicated you really want to avoid actually buying a product over the internet. When you purchase without a person you get service without a person. Imagine if something were not to go right during the implementation of this massively complex program, not saying that a huge government mandated program could possibly have any glitches but lets just say it did, would you like an 800 number that links to Peggy in Pakistan or your agents' personal cell phone number. I know which one I would want, and the cost to you is the same. No additional cost for a personal agent. 

Berlin & Denys Insurance and Financial Services has been serving Florida for 30 years. Give us a call at 800-946-3303 and we will help you figure it all out.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We’re Here for You with the Latest on Health Care Reform
Berlin & Denys Insurance - Florida Blue Cross

Health Care Reform will affect everyone differently - benefit changes, plan choices and tax changes are just a few ways it may impact you. We encourage you to take part in a conversation with one of our knowledgable agents. 
You can count on us to help you understand the new world of health care. Your personal agent can help you cut through the confusion and misinformation. We understand Health Care Reform and the impacts that it will have on you, your family and your business. Please watch this short and interactive video. It will provide you with information on Health Care reform based on your specific situation.

If you have any questions, please give us a call at 800-946-3303 or visit our website.

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