Friday, May 29, 2009

Health Insurance and Government Control

Many people have been discussing the need for Health Care Reform in this country. Health Insurance premiums and medical service charges continue to rise at rates faster than inflation.
Some people believe that a government takeover is the way to solve the crisis. I would submit to you that government is one of the causes of the problem. This country was founded on the principles of self reliance and personal responsibility. The government is supposed to operate in the background as a benefit to the people and not as burden. Government intervention should be seen as a last resort. These days more and more people are looking for the government to fix their problems. I should not be forced to pay for someone else to go to the doctor.

I support Health Care Reform as long as the private sector is the solution. If you put aside the Constitutional questions of increased government you would then want to look at how the government has handled other things under their control. Would you like the same people that run the IRS, Medicare and constantly fund pork barrel projects to be in charge of your health care choices? In any county that has gone to a socialized medical system you will find rationing of care. They must control costs so they decide who gets what care. This means that you could be prevented from getting the treatment you need because you fall outside of their guidelines. Maybe you are too old or the treatment is too costly. See this web page and video.

Everyone should have access to medical care and should pay the cost for that care. Health Care Reform, if done correctly, can reduce the costs and help many more people to be able to obtain coverage. You should be afraid if you hear "Relax I am from the Government and I am here to help!"

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